Craig Koshyk, is a dog nut. He makes his living running a photography school in Western Canada. What he does for fun, or I'm sure he would tell you, what he does because it's his passion, is hunt over dogs. Specifically Pointers.
We got in contact with Craig after reading his book Pointing Dogs Volume 1: The Continentals. This book was a true labor of love, spanning over 12 years in the making, and over 20 trips to Europe to not only see the dogs in question, but to hunt with them! It is text book quality in it's content, with around 400 photos taken by Craig.
Craig has an immense amount of knowledge about dogs, and was a true pleasure to talk with. If you'd like to check out his book, highly recommended, Or if you'd like to get a grasp on his Photography chops, check him out at: www.DogWilling.Ca